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The Insurmountable Quiz
Question 73

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Question 73
Q-073 InsurmountableQuiz
Difficulty Medium Medium
Skippable? Yes
Bomb? No
Reference(s) None
Safe Question? No
Fusestopper location N/A
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Question 73 from The Insurmountable Quiz is the first one of the game that features the robotic theme, which will last until Question 90; the option boxes are cyan-colored, and the background looks like it's filled with spider webs. This question asks "What is the world record for data transfer?". The options given are "186 GB/s (gigabytes)", "100 GB/s", "430 MB/s (megabytes)" and "329 MB/s".

The answer is "186 GB/s". Believe it or not, it's actually true. That's a lot of space to transfer within one second, isn't it?

Gold Edition

In the Gold Edition of The Insurmountable Quiz, aside from having questions of the robotic theme in blue-colored answers instead of cyan, the options in this question aren't the same! They now say "43 TB/s (terabytes)", "106 TB/s", "420 KB/s (kilobytes)" and "379 GB/s".

It's not "420 KB/s" because it's lower than the correct option in the original version. Surprisingly, it's not "379 GB/s" either! It also can't be "106 TB/s" because it's already a ridiculous amount of space to be transferred per second, and it's probably not possible. So, this leaves only one choice: "43 TB/s", which was the new true world record since the Gold Edition was released. Can you believe it?

Q-073 InsurmountableQuiz-GoldEdition

You cannot be serious!
