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The Insurmountable Quiz
Question 20

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Question 20
Difficulty Medium Medium
Skippable? Yes
Bomb? No
Reference(s) Question 28 from The Impossible Quiz 2 / 300 (film) / "This is SPARTA!" (meme)
Safe Question? No
Fusestopper location N/A
Skip location N/A

Question 20 from The Insurmountable Quiz once again has a task with a single word; it says "This". The only two possible answers are "Up" and "Down".

Both of them are incorrect for a reason: this is a fill-in-the-blank question that requires using your keyboard.

What you have to type on your keyboard is "is sparta" (you don't have to press the space between words). The letters you type will be written on the task. When you're done, you'll hear Leonidas' voice yelling "This... is... SPARTA!" referencing the movie "300", and Question 28 from The Impossible Quiz 2. Shortly afterwards, you'll move on to the next question.

Q-020 (2) InsurmountableQuiz

