The Insurmountable Quiz Wiki

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The Insurmountable Quiz
Question 15

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Question 15
Difficulty Medium Medium
Skippable? Yes
Bomb? No
Reference(s) None
Safe Question? No
Fusestopper location N/A
Skip location N/A

Question 15 from The Insurmountable Quiz only has the word "Ball" in the task. The possible answers are "Balloonist", a face with dollar signs as eyes and a round nose, "Ballistics" and "Question number".

"Question number" seems like a great answer to this question, because the question number looks like it's inside a "ball", but it's not correct. The truth is that none of the other options are correct; not even the rounded nose on the second option!

This means that you'd probably want to say "balls" to this game, and you can do that by pressing the 'S' key on your keyboard. A letter 'S' will appear on the right of the task making it say "balls", and shortly afterwards you'll proceed to the next question.
